Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Monkey and Owl

A couple of new hats for my cousin's boys.

The first one was a sock monkey!

This was sort-of a mix between this pattern here, and the pattern found here on this blog 
(I made the 9-12 month size - minus the ears, and I used a strand of cream and a strand of gray worked together to get the 'tweed' look for his head)

The second hat is a cute little owl
 I didn't have a pattern for this one...I just sort of 'winged it' (no pun intended) following these photos.

I also didn't have any life-size models,
 but you can take my word for it....they looked much cuter on the actual recipients.  ;-)


  1. Oh my goodness--these look like the adorable (and somewhat pricey!) hats I saw this season in the stores--SO CUTE!

  2. Thanks Beth - they were fun to make (except the owl eyes were rather 'putzy')
